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The Biggest Canvas Right Above Us

Updated: Nov 18, 2021

All of these photos were taken by me. Different places, different time of the day. Yet all are equally breathtaking to see in person.


Aside from drawing, I have also learned to develop interest in photography. I may not have the fancy, professional camera equipment, but I am still able to capture things that makes me awestruck.

There never goes a time wherein I don't look up to the sky while walking. Going to school, coming home from school, running errands, and going somewhere to shop. I am always amazed by how it looks like it was painted by someone—perhaps by God—using the perfect palette, with soft and bright hues, resulting in a perfect masterpiece.

I always point it out to whoever I am walking with. How peaceful would it be to lay on a rooftop gazing at the sky, waiting for the sun to set and the night to settle in. The orange, yellow, blue, pink, and purple tones will be replaced with a black one. Speckled with tiny little white dots which are the stars. Sometimes, when we look hard enough, we can even see the Orion's Belt of the Orion constellation.

Photographs hold so much more than just memories. It gives off a nostalgic feeling which takes us back to the very moment we took it. One of my favorite things to photograph is the sky. I would describe myself as someone who is observant. And just like what Elliot Erwitt said, "Photography is an art of observation. It has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them."

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