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Simple Vector Artworks of Mine

When it comes to digital arts, I have also tried doing Vector Art. Although mine does not really involve complicated use of measurements for where the lines and shapes should go. I used reference images so that there is something I can use as a guide since I am not an expert when it comes to this.

Here are some of my works I did when I was in Grade 8.

As you can see, they are all random and have really no connection with each other. I have been exploring digital arts during this time.

Personally, it is really fun to explore things that I have no experience in. You will never know how much you'll enjoy it once you are looking at the result. I encourage you to try and experiment with any type of art that you know; you can start with something very basic, follow a tutorial on YouTube, and search reference images for a guide.

It is all just about practicing. My works are surely not perfect, but by practicing during my spare time, I seem to notice little improvements here and there. Just have fun doing it and do not be pressured with high expectations from yourself and others. You can definitely do it.

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